Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Vocals Music: The Essential

Vocals Music: The Essential

The voice is an effective tool for building student confidence and skills.
Our voice and singing program emphasize the development of proper vocal technique to protect the voice, improve sound production and gain confidence for personal enjoyment or public performances.
Small group instruction emphasizing vocal development through proper breath control, articulation and presentation of contemporary and/or traditional repertoire, building your own harmonies; reading music; scales, chords and intervals; stage and studio techniques; drills for the advanced singer; singing through chords; diatonic progressions; chart reading; duets; four-part harmony. Increase your endurance and range, correct bad habits, and sing longer and better. Help to improve your voice with a variety of exercise techniques. Exercises include: warming up, stabilizing the tone, loosening the throat and placing the sound forward, increasing range, breath control, etc.
Performance classes develop skills in singing, movement, and theater while preparing to perform at the end of the quarter.